From Anonymous:
Dear Hmong Community,
I’m nearing a quarter-life crisis. I’ve completed school and have begun the path to a solid career. However, there is still a lot of pressure on me for how I make decisions in life. I’m trying to move out for my own sake because my family is emotionally and mentally abusive. But because I am the youngest son there is a lot the youngest son still has to do to support his family. I still live at home: with my mom, my dead beat dad, and two brothers well into their 30s. One brother physically cannot work. Another brother works but we have no idea where his money goes. My parents don’t work either.
My issue is that traditionally the parents stay with the youngest son because his “role” is to take care of them. While I love my mom to death and would take care of her until her final days, she comes with a lot of baggage. My brothers and dad are still her boys and she wouldn’t go anywhere without them. Ive got many passions beyond my personal career goals. I’ve still got a long winding road of life to experience. I’m the only one who seems to be making any type of moves.
Please don’t compare your family to mine. Because when you say “I’d do this/that because my family...” it doesn’t apply to me since we come from our own unique situations. Put yourself in my shoes, and answer me. What would you do in my position? Im not ready to, and will not, take care of a family of 5 (grown ass people). 3 out of 4 didn’t even take care of me growing up. The other men in my family don’t even talk to me on a regular basis even though we live in the same household. It’ll be like taking care of strangers.
Should I decide to leave my mother with the 3 of them and hope they can take care of each other without me? Should I keep trying to convince my mother to move on, letting the other boys take care of themselves? And if she refuses? Should I remove myself from my family for the sake of my personal health and goals? I’ve got a life to live too. I just can’t see myself succeeding in anything I do. Especially not with a family I’d have to prioritize to take care of for the rest of their lives. When you’re obligated to take care of 4 other adults, it’s quite difficult to work on yourself.
Please help with any advice. Any insight, positive or negative feedback are all greatly appreciated. Thanks.